During the summer of 2004, I moved across the street from the Funky Buddha Lounge, a popular nightclub in Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood. Each night I would park my car on the street, and each morning I would find numerous nightclub fliers shoved beneath my windshield wipers and into the cracks of my windows.

Shortly after moving in, I began collecting the fliers from my car and the sidewalk around my home. By January 2005, I had collected over 1000 fliers, enough to cover my entire car. I spent three months hand-sewing the fliers together to create a car cover and photographed my car, with the cover, parked in front of the nightclubs from whom I had received fliers.

The Car Project was completed in 2006 and consists of eight photographs. When it was exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center in 2006, I included an installation of the flyered car cover itself, stretched on a metal frame built to be the same shape and size as my car. Images from this project are included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Contemporary Photography, the Long Beach Museum of Art, and the Fidelity Investment Corporate Collection.



Items of Clothing Secretly Hidden By My Girlfriend

